Friday, October 14, 2005

Hold Up My End

Sorry. We fell behind.

The accident, all the rain and there's a wedding this weekend for two very nice kids here in town. They both work in Marketing over at Grey's. It's going to be a big to-do. Mr. Grey might show up! Exciting!

It's been raining here since our accident. (We're still all right.) But, there is a fear that the Chapel On The Trailer might float away. It's just upwind of Old Hagar's Swamp and things are smelling murky, if you know what I mean.

If you happen to be in the area, it's tomorrow at 11:30. The reception is at Ornette's. The Stern All-Comedy Improv Group will be doing a show for us. (I hope they keep it light this time. At a wedding last year, we all got a little bummed.)

The wedding was going to be outside but things don't look so hot now. Well, live and learn.

I still have to keep Arthur's groin on ice and then hot depending upon his needs. (He pulled a muscle there. Remember.)

I'll update you all soon. Pray for our Trailer Chapel.

- Marlene

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